What is MyGovHK?
Q1. What is the difference between MyGovHK and GovHK?
GovHK is the one-stop portal of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, making information and services of the public sector easier to find and use, while MyGovHK is an integrated service delivery platform on GovHK, providing you with more user-friendly and personalised user experience in interacting with the Government.
Q2. What are the functions and features of MyGovHK?
MyGovHK offers the following functions and features to registered users:
- My Inbox – View messages sent by different online services and MyGovHK; view your to-do items generated by different online services and set reminders;
- My Online Services – Organise your own list of frequently used online services for easy access, saving you the trouble of logging into different government websites;
- My Forms – Make your own list of frequently used government forms;
- My Subscriptions – Subscribe to government reminders and notifications;
- My Bills – View your government billing accounts and make payment;
- My Calendar – View your to-do items and system defined events (e.g. general holidays and important government events) in a calendar;
- My Weather – View the current weather, latest weather photos of your chosen location and weather forecast;
- My Settings – Save your personal information to facilitate the data pre-filling function.
Q3. What online services can be accessed through MyGovHK?
The Easy Sign-on function of MyGovHK enables you to access some government online services, such as eTAX and eRVD Bill, by simply logging into your MyGovHK account.
Q4. Who can use MyGovHK?
MyGovHK is for anyone who wishes to interact with the Government via the Internet. However, some online services are available for Hong Kong residents with Hong Kong identity cards only.
Q5. Do I need to pay for using MyGovHK?
No, you don’t.
Q6. Have there been any changes to MyGovHK's Terms of Use?
MyGovHK's Terms of Use may change from time to time. MyGovHK will list major changes of Terms of Use here and if the changes are significant, MyGovHK will ask you to accept the changes when logging in. The major changes and prior version(s) are listed below.
Amendment History of MyGovHK's Terms of Use Issue Date Major Revision Description Current version issued on 25 July 2024:
English https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/about/termsofuse.htm
繁體 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/tc/about/termsofuse.htm
简体 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/sc/about/termsofuse.htm- Revision made in paragraph 1
Version issued on 23 January 2020:
English https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_202001.htm
繁體 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/tc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_202001.htm
简体 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/sc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_202001.htm- Revision made in paragraph 1
Version issued on 20 April 2018:
English https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201804.htm
繁體 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/tc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201804.htm
简体 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/sc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201804.htm- Remove "Language" section and paragraph 75: "The Terms are translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail."
Version issued on 23 January 2014:
English https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201401.htm
繁體 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/tc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201401.htm
简体 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/sc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201401.htm- Revision made in paragraph 49 under "Collection of Other Information"
Version issued on 17 January 2013:
English https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201301.htm
繁體 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/tc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201301.htm
简体 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/sc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201301.htm- Change terms from "Pre-filling function" to "Auto-fill function"
Version issued on 26 June 2012:
English https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201206.htm
繁體 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/tc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201206.htm
简体 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/sc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201206.htm- Change Chinese terms on Traditional and Simplified Chinese versions, i.e.「連結通」change to「簡易登入」,「連結」change to「連接」
First version issued on 10 Nov 2010:
English https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201011.htm
繁體 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/tc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201011.htm
简体 https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/sc/about/archive/termsofuse_v1_0_201011.htm--
Q7. Does MyGovHK support web accessibility?
Yes, MyGovHK provides accessible features to improve the general usability of all users. It also complies with Level AA of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.
Q8. Can I access MyGovHK on my smartphone or tablet computer instead of a desktop computer?
Yes, you can enjoy MyGovHK services on popular smartphones and tablet computers.
Please note that, however, at present smartphones or tablet computers may not support all the functions and features of MyGovHK. Please access MyGovHK on a desktop computer for the full functions and features of MyGovHK, if required.
Q9. Does MyGovHK work well with any browser on any mobile devices?
While we have tried our best to cater for most mobile devices, the browsers behave differently on different brands of mobile devices, even for different models of the same brand, especially Android devices. If you encounter problems in accessing MyGovHK on your Android device, please try installing the Chrome browser on your mobile device and access MyGovHK using Chrome.
Q10. What messages will be sent from MyGovHK to the app GovHK Notifications?
Only selected services provided by MyGovHK will send important messages to the app, e.g. eRVD Bill Service, Reminder for Vehicle Licence Renewal.
Since only selected important messages will be sent to the app, you are advised to log into MyGovHK regularly in order not to miss out any.
Q11. How can I receive messages from my MyGovHK account at GovHK Notifications?
To receive important messages from selected services, you have to complete the link-up or subscription to the services in your MyGovHK account and finish the association with your account at the app.
Q1. How can I register for a MyGovHK account?
On the login page of MyGovHK, there is a “Create Account” button for registration. To complete the process, you need to:
- Accept the Terms of Use for MyGovHK.
- Provide a username, your email address, mobile phone number (optional), alias (nickname, i.e. the displayed name), and preferred language for communication, and choose a secret question and provide the answer.
- Use a password of either moderate or strong password strength. Some online services can only be accessed by MyGovHK accounts with a strong password and secure password management enforced.
- Activate your account with the activation code(s) sent to your email address and mobile phone number (if provided).
Q2. Do I need to provide my real personal information?
Yes. You should provide your real personal information at registration and maintain the information updated in My Basic Info under My Settings. The information will be used for data pre-filling as well as to verify your identity for accessing some online services, bringing you more convenience.
Q3. Can I register for a MyGovHK account for a company?
At this stage, MyGovHK is designed to serve individuals. Services for corporations and companies are yet to be provided.
Q4. Can I register for more than one MyGovHK account?
Yes. You can register for multiple accounts using the same email address and mobile phone number.
Although you can register for multiple MyGovHK accounts, we strongly recommend that you hold one account for easy management.
Q5. I still haven’t received any email activation code. Why?
The following are the possible reasons for failing to receive the email activation code:
- You have provided an incorrect email address at registration. Please go to the login page, click “Can’t log in?”, and choose “I can’t receive my account activation code(s)” to request a new activation code and check if the email address provided is correct.
- Your email client may have classified MyGovHK emails as junk mails. Please check the junk mailbox of your email client. We also suggest that you configure your email client to accept all emails from MyGovHK.
If you encounter situations other than those listed above, please contact our hotline at (852)183 5500 or email to enquiry@1835500.gov.hk for assistance.
Q6. I still haven’t received any SMS activation code. Why?
The following are the possible reasons for failing to receive the SMS activation code:
- You have not provided your mobile number or you have provided an incorrect mobile number at registration. Please go to the login page, click “Can’t log in?”, choose “I can’t receive my account activation code(s)” to request a new activation code and check if the mobile number provided is correct.
- Sometimes, mobile carrier network may experience heavy traffic and delay SMS delivery. If you have not received the SMS message within 15 minutes after completing registration, please go to the login page, click “Can’t log in?”, and choose “I can’t receive my account activation code(s)” to request a new activation code.
If you stay in China, please use your China mobile phone number (86-XXXXXXXXXX) to register. If you cannot receive the SMS code for some other reasons, you can choose “I can’t receive my account activation code(s)” and delete your mobile number, then you can activate the account without using a SMS code. You may add your mobile number in My Settings after successful login.
If you encounter situations other than those listed above, please contact our hotline at (852)183 5500 or email to enquiry@1835500.gov.hk for assistance.
Q7. I have received the activation code(s). However, I forgot my password. What should I do?
You cannot activate the account without your password. You can choose to register for a new account, with a different username.
Alternatively, you can register with the same username 14 days later. All usernames will be made available again for registration if they are not activated within 14 days.
Q8. Do I need a digital certificate to register for a MyGovHK account?
No, you don't need a digital certificate to register for a MyGovHK account. But you may need one to access some online services via your MyGovHK account.
Q9. Can I authorise another person to register for a MyGovHK account on my behalf?
No. As there may be substantial personal information involved in MyGovHK and its connected online services, you should register an account by yourself and should not authorise anyone to do so. For more details, please refer to the Terms of Use for MyGovHK.
Read "Terms of Use for MyGovHK" https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/about/termsofuse.htm
Q10. What is Secure Password Management?
Secure Password Management is a function to ensure the security level of your account. If you choose this option, you will be required to change your password every six months. Please note that some online services may require you to have this option enabled if you want to access them through your MyGovHK account.
Q11. Is it a must to provide my mobile phone number?
No, it is optional. But if you provide your mobile phone number, you will receive one more activation code, password reset code and verification code by SMS, aside from your email. This gives you more security protection for registration, resetting password, changing account details, etc.
Q12. If I do not provide my mobile number at registration, can I provide it later?
Yes. You can add your mobile number to My Basic Info under My Settings anytime later.
Q13. I tried to get through the audio authentication several times but still failed. Why?
Our compatibility test result showed that the audio clip cannot be played properly with MS Media Player. If you are using MS Media Player, we suggest you try other audio players instead, e.g. RealPlayer, Quick Time Player.
Log In
Q1. What if I select “I am using a public / shared computer” to log in?
If you select this option, MyGovHK will disable the Easy Sign-on feature of your account. When you try to access an Easy Sign-on service, MyGovHK will prompt you to enter the username and password of your MyGovHK account. This is a safety measure to protect your account when you access MyGovHK with a shared computer.
Q2. I forgot my password. What should I do?
Please follow the steps below to reset your password:
- On the login page select “Can’t Log in?”.
- Select “I forgot my password (except for unactivated accounts)” to continue.
- Provide your username, your registered email address / verified mobile number (if applicable), enter the authentication code shown on the screen, and click “Confirm”. Password reset code(s) will be sent to you via email or SMS.
- Follow the instructions provided in the email or SMS to reset your password.
- For details, please refer to “Forgot Username or Password” under MyGovHK Demo.
Please note that the password reset code will be valid for 14 days, so we suggest that you reset your password once you have received it. For security reasons, some online services may be delinked from your MyGovHK account after you have reset your password. In this case, you will need to perform the service linkup again.
If you still encounter other problems in resetting your password, please contact our hotline at (852)183 5500 or email to enquiry@1835500.gov.hk for assistance.
Q3. I forgot my username. What should I do?
If your account has already been activated, you can follow the steps below to retrieve your username:
- On the login page select “Can’t Log in?”.
- Select “I forgot my username (except for unactivated accounts)” to continue.
- Prove that you are the account holder by ONE of the following ways:-
- providing your registered email;
- providing your digital certificate (if you have your HK identity card no. verified at MyGovHK);
- providing your digital certificate (if you have already attached it to your MyGovHK account); OR
- providing your “iAM Smart” account.
- For details, please refer to “Forgot Username or Password” under MyGovHK Demo.
For security reasons, some online services may be delinked from your MyGovHK account after you have used the above methods to retrieve your username. In such case, you may initiate the service linkup again.
If you still encounter other problems in retrieving your username, please contact our hotline at (852)183 5500 or email to enquiry@1835500.gov.hk for assistance.
Q4. Can I retrieve my username if my account has yet to be activated?
No. If your account has yet to be activated, we suggest you create a new MyGovHK account.
Q5. My account has been locked after several unsuccessful login attempts. What should I do?
For security reasons, MyGovHK accounts will be temporarily locked for 24 hours after five cumulative unsuccessful login attempts. You can reset the password to unlock the account during the lock-out period if necessary. Please refer to Q2 above or MyGovHK Demo for the instruction on resetting your MyGovHK account password.
Q6. A message in My Inbox tells me that some online services have been delinked from my MyGovHK account. What does that mean?
For security reasons, some online services will be delinked from your MyGovHK account in the following situations:
- Five cumulative unsuccessful logins to your MyGovHK account are recorded.
- Your password has been reset.
- You have used the self-service function to retrieve your MyGovHK username.
- MyGovHK receives a request from the department of the online service to delink your account for security reasons.
You can initiate link-up again once you can log into MyGovHK.
Q7. I still haven’t received the password reset code after making the request. Why?
If you still have not received the password reset code by email, please check if you have done the following:
- If you have more than one email address, make sure you have checked the email address that you registered with MyGovHK.
- Your email client may have classified MyGovHK emails as junk mails. Please check the junk mailbox of your email client. We also suggest you configure your email client to accept all emails from MyGovHK.
If you have not received the password reset code by SMS, please check if you have done the following:
- If you have not provided your mobile number before, you will not receive a password reset code by SMS. Please use the password reset code sent to your email address to reset your password.
- If you have updated your mobile phone number but have not verified it, you will not receive a password reset code by SMS through the unverified number. If you have provided a mobile phone number which has been verified, please check that number.
- Your mobile carrier network may experience heavy traffic and delay SMS delivery to your mobile phone. If you still have not received the SMS message within 15 minutes after requesting password reset, please retry to get another password reset code.
- There is a daily quota of SMS messages sent to each mobile number. If the number of SMS messages sent to you exceeds the daily quota, you will not be able to receive a password reset code by SMS. Please wait for the next day to make the request again.
If you still have not received the password reset code by email or SMS, please contact our hotline at (852)183 5500 or email to enquiry@1835500.gov.hk for assistance.
Q8. How can I use my digital certificate to log into MyGovHK?
You need to attach your digital certificate to your MyGovHK account first. Please log into MyGovHK with your username and password, go to My Settings, select My Password Settings, and attach your digital certificate to your account.
Q9. I cannot answer the Secret Question during username retrieval. What should I do?
If you have entered two verification codes received via your registered email address and your mobile number respectively, you can skip the secret question. Please refer to “Forgot Username or Password” under MyGovHK Demo for details.
However, if you have not registered a mobile number and cannot answer the Secret Question, you are not able to retrieve your username. In such case, you need to register for a new account.
Q10. How can I use “iAM Smart” to log in to MyGovHK?
You need to register an “iAM Smart” account first, and then on the login page of MyGovHK, press ‘Login with “iAM Smart”’.
For details, please refer to ‘Login with “iAM Smart”’ under MyGovHK Demo.
Functions & Features
Q1. What is My Inbox?
My Inbox allows you to view messages and to-do items sent from different government online services and MyGovHK.
Q2. What is the difference between messages labeled with “My Reminders” and “My General Messages”?
A message labelled with “My Reminders” is a message you set for a to-do items in My Inbox, reminding yourself to complete the to-do item. However, messages labelled with “My General Messages” were sent to you by different government online services as well as MyGovHK.
Q3. What kind of government billing messages will be sent to My Inbox?
If you have registered eRVD Bill and/or SFO’s E-link with your MyGovHK account, billing messages labelled with “My eBill Messages” regarding these services will be sent to your My Inbox.
Q4. I would like to learn more about the checkbox in My Settings, "I agree to receive email messages about government services and information."
You will be receiving messages in My inbox from time to time as MyGovHK will keep you updated on government services and information. In My Settings, you have the choice to take the option "I agree to receive email messages about government services and information". By doing so, apart from the messages in My Inbox you will receive from MyGovHK, you may also receive an email copy in your Internet mailbox. Not every message in My Inbox will come together with an email copy, only significant information will do. As such, you may wish to visit MyGovHK regularly in order not to miss out anything.
Q5. What is To-do List in My Inbox?
To-do List in My Inbox allows you to view the to-do items generated by different government online services, such as making payment for Rates and Government Rent, etc.
Q6. How can I set a reminder for a to-do item?
Go to My Inbox, choose a to-do item from the To-do List you want to remind yourself of, and click the “Set Reminder” button.
Q7. What is My Online Services?
My Online Services allows you to organise your frequently used online services into a checklist for easy access. Some of the online services support the Easy Sign-on feature. That means you can access these services directly after logging into your MyGovHK account. To do so, you have to link up an existing service account with MyGovHK, or register for the service on MyGovHK (e.g. Register Outbound Travel Information). To know more about Easy Sign-on, please refer to part V of this FAQ.
Q8. What is My Forms?
My Forms allows you to make your own list of frequently used government forms. Some of the forms support "auto-fill" function so that you can pre-fill them with your personal information.
Q9. What is My Subscriptions?
My Subscriptions allows you to subscribe to government reminders and notifications. You can simply click “Subscribe” under each item to receive government reminders and notifications through various channels.
Q10. What is My Bills?
My Bills allows you to view your government billing accounts and make payment. By linking up the online services supporting My Bills with your MyGovHK account, you can have one-stop access to your government billing account details and make online payments for some of the bills.
Q11. What is My Calendar?
My Calendar allows you to view your to-do items and system defined events (e.g. general holidays and important government events) in a calendar.
Q12. What is My Weather?
My Weather allows you to view the current weather, latest weather photos of your chosen location and weather forecast provided by the Hong Kong Observatory.
Q13. How can I change my account information such as password, email address and mobile number?
You can go to My Settings to change or update your password and other personal information.
Q14. Which government online services are using the personal particulars in My Settings?
Different online services may require different personal particulars in the link-up process, Easy Sign-on process or data pre-filling function. For details, please refer to the “Use of MyGovHK profile data by Bureaux and Departments” document in the Terms of Use for MyGovHK.
Read "Use of MyGovHK profile data by Bureaux and Departments" https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/doc/datamatrix.pdf
Q15. My browser cannot run smoothly while I am visiting MyGovHK. Why?
Although the system requirements for viewing the webpages of MyGovHK are the same as those of GovHK, you should note that MyGovHK is a relatively new platform and adopts more of the latest web technologies. Therefore, it is not unusual for you to experience inferior responses when using an older version of the web browser to surf MyGovHK. If you are using an older version of the browser, we suggest that you update it to the latest version as soon as possible. For more information on the system requirements please refer to the link below.
System Requirements for Using GovHK https://www.gov.hk/en/about/helpdesk/softwarerequirement/
Q16. Some of the messages in My Inbox have gone missing. What happened?
When an online service has been delinked from your MyGovHK account, you will not have access to the related messages in My Inbox. If you have not requested the service delink, this may be because:
- You have retrieved your MyGovHK username;
- You have reset your MyGovHK password;
- You have failed to log in for 5 times cumulatively; or
- MyGovHK has received a request from the department of the online service to delink your account for security reasons.
If any of the above situations arise, the system may delink the online services concerned. The messages previously sent out by these online services would be hidden. However, all the hidden messages will reappear if you link up the online services again.
It is also possible that the System has carried out a housekeeping exercise and removed your messages which:
- have been previously moved to your “Trash” folder, where all the messages will be permanently removed by the System 3 months later; or
- have been previously in “Inbox” or “Archive” folders and were received for more than 2 years.
Q17. Some items in To-do List of My Inbox have gone missing. What happened?
The System has carried out a regular housekeeping exercise and removed items under your To-do List of My Inbox received for more than 2 years.
Q18. Some bills and payment information in My Bills have gone missing. What happened?
The System has carried out a regular housekeeping exercise and removed your bills and payment information received in My Bills for more than 2 years. For enquiries about the past records, please contact the bill-issuing departments at the telephone / fax numbers or email addresses shown in the bills.
Q19. How can I associate / disassociate my MyGovHK account with / from the app GovHK Notifications?
You can refer to the following links:
For Android User
How to associate MyGovHK with GovHK Notifications (Version 2.x) on Android device https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/instructions/assocnoti_android_v2.htm
How to disassociate MyGovHK from GovHK Notifications (Version 2.x) on Android device https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/instructions/disassocnoti_android_v2.htm
How to associate MyGovHK with GovHK Notifications (Version 1.x) on Android device https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/instructions/assocnoti_android.htm
How to disassociate MyGovHK from GovHK Notifications (Version 1.x) on Android device https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/instructions/disassocnoti_android.htm
For iOS User
How to associate MyGovHK with GovHK Notifications (Version 2.x) on iOS device https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/instructions/assocnoti_ios_v2.htm
How to disassociate MyGovHK from GovHK Notifications (Version 2.x) on iOS device https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/instructions/disassocnoti_ios_v2.htm
How to associate MyGovHK with GovHK Notifications (Version 1.x) on iOS device https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/instructions/assocnoti_ios.htm
How to disassociate MyGovHK from GovHK Notifications (Version 1.x) on iOS device https://www.personalised.gov.hk/content/en/instructions/disassocnoti_ios.htm
Q20. How long will MyGovHK messages be kept in GovHK Notifications?
GovHK Notifications will only retain your messages for 7 days. You may log into MyGovHK to read your messages as they will be retained under My Inbox for 2 years.
Q21. How can I bind my “iAM Smart” account to my MyGovHK account?
To bind your “iAM Smart” account to your MyGovHK account, please follow the steps shown below:
- Log in to your MyGovHK account;
- On the home / My Settings page, click "Bind Now";
- Complete the steps using your “iAM Smart” Mobile App by following the given instructions;
- If the binding is complete, you will see a message indicating the binding is successful.
For details, please refer to ‘Login with “iAM Smart”’ under MyGovHK Demo.
Q22. My account cannot't bind to my “iAM Smart” account. What should I do?
It is possible that your “iAM Smart” account has already been bound to another MyGovHK account. You may need to unbind your “iAM Smart” account from the existing MyGovHK account before it can be bound to your new MyGovHK account.
For details, please refer to ‘Login with “iAM Smart”’ under MyGovHK Demo.
Q23. How can I unbind my “iAM Smart” account with MyGovHK?
To unbind my “iAM Smart” account with MyGovHK, please follow the steps below:
- Go to “My Settings”, and click ‘Bind your “iAM Smart” now’;
- Click "Unbind Now" under the ‘Unbind “iAM Smart” account’ section;
- Click “Confirm”;
- Log out MyGovHK and then log in again for the unbinding of “iAM Smart” account to take effect.
For details, please refer to ‘Login with “iAM Smart”’ under MyGovHK Demo.
Easy Sign-on
Q1. What is Easy Sign-on?
Easy Sign-on is a feature allowing you to access some online services directly after logging into your MyGovHK account. To enjoy the convenience of Easy Sign-on, you can:
- link up your service account with MyGovHK if you already have an existing account with the particular government department, e.g. eTAX; or
- register for the service if it is provided on GovHK, e.g. Register Outbound Travel Information, eRVD Bill.
Q2. What online services support Easy Sign-on?
Online services that support Easy Sign-on will be indicated by
. eTAX, eRVD Bill and Register Outbound Travel Information are some of the online services that support Easy Sign-on. Please refer to the full list of online services in My Online Services for more details.
Q3. I cannot link up some online services with my MyGovHK account. What should I do?
Please check if you have done the following:
- Before the link-up, you should have already opened a MyGovHK account and a valid account of a particular online service.
- Each government online service account can only be linked up with one MyGovHK account.
- The identity information of your MyGovHK account (such as Hong Kong identity card no.) is the same as that of the online service account(s).
- Some online services require you to enforce the “Secure Password Management” feature in “My Password Settings” under “My Settings”.
- Some online services require you to log into MyGovHK with your digital certificate.
Q4. I cannot link up SFO E-link - My Bills service with MyGovHK. Why?
The following situation may cause failure of linkup with SFO E-link - My Bills service:
- The HKID number / ATM / PPS Payment Reference Number / Loan Reference Number you have entered is incorrect; or
- You do not have a repaying loan account with SFO ; or
- The existence of default situation of certain loan accounts.
For enquiries please email to SFO at e-link_sfo@wfsfaa.gov.hk.
Q5. Can I link up my MyGovHK account with some online service accounts that belong to my family members?
No. The link-up process is to ascertain that the owner of the MyGovHK account is the same as that of the selected online service account. Therefore, you are only allowed to link up your own online service accounts with your MyGovHK account.
Q6. What is the usage of MyGovHK password for linked-up eTAX service?
If your MyGovHK account has been linked up with the eTAX service, your MyGovHK account password can be used as a means of authorising and signing transactions lodged through eTAX as approved by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue.
Q7. How can I cancel the link-up between a government service account and MyGovHK account?
Delinking the already linked-up online service account(s) from your MyGovHK account will automatically disable the Easy Sign-on feature. You can go to My Online Services, click My Frequently Used Services, and press the "Delink" button to cancel the link-up of a particular online service. The link-up status will then change from “Connected” to “Not Connected”.
Q8. Under what circumstances will the system delink the online services from my MyGovHK account?
Depending on the security policy for individual online services, the system may delink the online services from your MyGovHK account if any one of the following situations arises:
- Deletion of your MyGovHK account(s);
- Deletion of your online service account(s) which has / have already been linked up with your MyGovHK account(s);
- Retrieval of your MyGovHK username;
- Consecutive failed attempts to log into MyGovHK which lead to a temporary account lock; or
- Password reset.
Information Security
Q1. How do I know if my personal information saved at MyGovHK is safeguarded?
We are keenly aware of the trust you place in us and our responsibility to protect your personal information. Therefore we adopt appropriate security technologies and encryption software to safeguard your data, and keep strict security standards to prevent any unauthorised access to it.
In addition, you should take appropriate steps to safeguard your information, software and computer equipment (such as using strong password and digital certificate, as well as using computer devices installed with anti-virus software). You are not recommended to use a public computer to access MyGovHK.
Q2. How can I attach my digital certificate to MyGovHK?
Please follow the steps below:
- Go to My Settings and click “My Password Settings”.
- Click the “Attach” button under “My Digital Certificate”.
- Input your Hong Kong identity card no. or passport no., file location, and the password of the digital certificate, and click “Attach”.
- You will receive a message in My Inbox if the digital certificate is successfully attached.
- You must log out and log in again with the digital certificate to make it effective.
- To log in with your digital certificate, go to the login page of MyGovHK, input your username, and click “Want to use your Digital Certificate to log in?”.
- Specify the file location of your digital certificate, enter its PIN and click “Submit”.
- Now your digital certificate has been attached to MyGovHK.
Note: MyGovHK currently supports digital certificates on desktop computers only.
Q3. Can I still log in if my digital certificate has expired?
You cannot use an expired digital certificate to log into MyGovHK but you can still use your account password to log in. In addition, you cannot access some of the Easy Sign-on services, i.e. online service account(s) that you have linked up with your MyGovHK account, if the service(s) require(s) login with your digital certificate.
Q4. Are my activities on MyGovHK monitored by the Government?
The system keeps record of users' activities on MyGovHK to facilitate the daily operation of our hotline. Nevertheless, our hotline staff have no access to users' personal information.
Q5. Where can I get more tips on information security?
You can refer to the following link:
FAQs about GovHK Online Services - Information Security https://www.gov.hk/en/about/helpdesk/faq/infosec/index.shtml
Q6. After I have associated my MyGovHK account with GovHK Notifications, will any personal information be stored in my mobile device?
No personal information will be stored in your mobile device after the association.
Last revision date: July 2024