Start using My Inbox

My Inbox allows you to view messages and to-do items from government online services and MyGovHK

Four default labels are created in Messages:

4 default folders

  • “My Reminders” label shows reminder messages you set for to-do items in To-do List
  • “My General Messages” label shows messages from different government departments and MyGovHK regarding their online services and notifications
  • “My eBill Messages” label shows messages related to government eBills, e.g. electronic demands for rates and Government rent
  • “My Upcoming Events” label shows activity notices or updates from government departments

Once you have linked up or registered for the online services with your MyGovHK account, you will receive related messages and notifications

The numbers of unread messages will be shown next to the folder names

You can create labels to organise your messages and notifications

1. Click “Manage label” icon at the toolbar and then select “Create New Label”

2. Name the new label and click “Save”

3. Select a message or messages you want to label. Click “Move to another label” icon and then select which label you'd like to move

4. To relocate a message to Archive or Trash, you need to click the checkbox beside the message title and the “Move to another folder” icon. Choose the destination

Points to note

  • Messages in Inbox and Archive, and To-do items will be permanently removed in 2 years
  • Messages in Trash will be permanently removed in 3 months


Last revision date: November 2020