Bind “iAM Smart” to your account

In order to log in to MyGovHK with “iAM Smart”, you have to bind “iAM Smart” to your account first

1. Go to “My Settings”, and click ‘Bind your “iAM Smart” now’

2. You are required to authorise “iAM Smart” to provide your personal data (i.e. English name and HK Identity Card Number) for MyGovHK

If you are accessing MyGovHK on a computer, you will see the following page. Follow the instructions to complete the authorisation process

If you are accessing MyGovHK on a mobile device, you will see the following page. Click “Proceed” and then follow the instructions to complete the authorisation process

3. Click “Confirm”

4. The binding is complete. Remember to log in to your account with “iAM Smart” before accessing “iAM Smart” enabled online services


Last revision date: Dec 2020